Prepared food

Semi-quantitative determination of Histamine in different kinds of fish samples.

Petrifilm Rapid Yeast & Mold Count Plate is for the enumeration of Yeast & Mold

Petrifilm Rapid Yeast & Mold Count Plate is for the enumeration of Yeast & Mold

Ready to use test for the enumeration of Coliforms

Petrifilm Enterobacteriaceae Count Plate is for the enumeration of Enterobacteriaceae.

3M Petrifilm is a unique technology for ready detection and enumeration of E. coli / Coliforms

Pre-moistened or not swabs for environmental sample collection.

Swab in pre-filled bottle with various diluents like Buffered Peptone Water or Letheen Broth or Neutralizing Buffer

Biocide free cellulose sponges in a variety of pre-hydrated dilutions for sample collection…

3M sampling sponges come in wet or dry formats with and without gloves to fit many applications

EuroProxima has developed a sensitive ELISA test for quantitative screening …

Fast ELISA test from Europroxima for quantitative screening on the presence of Aflatoxin M1